October 12, 2021
CEO of The Creative Extreme
My name is Steffon Thomas, and I am writing to attest to the stellar character and work ethic of Krisztina Pánczél. I have been a full time freelance writer and creative consultant since 2012. I obtained my undergraduate degree from Oberlin College in 2003 where I studied under several scholars and authors while earning a degree in English Literature with a concentration in Creative Writing.
From 2003 until 2007 I was a full-time associate staff writer and editor for the American Greetings Card Company, based out of Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Outside of that, I have worked on numerous creative projects, including my own full feature length screenplays, children’s books (self-published), pilot scripts, short stories, epic poems, blogs, vlogs and more.
Additionally, in 2016, I started my own creative company, The Creative Extreme, which features a sprawling comic book style universe with hundreds of characters and stories. Over the past eight years, TCE has grown into a full-service creative suite in which we produce books, comics and other means of entertainment consumed by hundreds of fans each and every month.
It is in the context of The Creative Extreme that I have worked most closely with Ms. Pánczél. I met her through an online forum, and she took interest in the work my partners and I were doing. As an aspiring writer herself, Ms. Pánczél asked to be involved with The Creative Extreme. As I began to assess her qualifications, I quickly discovered that not only was she capable of completing the tasks I would require of her, but she would potentially be a valuable team member that could contribute to the continued growth of The Creative Extreme.
I happily hired Ms. Pánczél and as we got to work, she not only met but exceeded my expectations. Ms. Pánczél was assigned numerous projects and duties. One of the major projects she worked on involved cataloguing stories and characters from The Creative Extreme (of which there are over 700) into a database that could be easily accessed and used by my team members, clients, and collaborators. The database she developed was incredibly user friendly and still serves as one of the primary hubs for TCE’s content.
Another job Ms. Pánczél was tasked with was maintaining and upkeeping several aspects of the Creative Extreme website which contained over 350 pages of content. Over just a couple of months Ms. Pánczél learned how to use the backend designer tools of our original website. And a couple of years later, when we switched interfaces, she learned that system as well.
Ms. Pánczél has been integral in updating and maintaining the content of www.TheCreativeExtreme.com.
Additionally, Ms. Pánczél took on the incredibly important task of providing editorial support as she worked with me (the Editor-in-Chief) to assure that The Creative Extreme’s website was free of grammatical and spelling errors (over 500,000 words). This skill and task extended to our self-published books as well, with Ms. Pánczél serving as our primary proofreader on everything we print and release for sale to our fans and the public.
Ms. Pánczél’s contributions have not been limited to the technical and oversight aspects of The Creative Extreme. She has also served in creative capacities, as she worked as writing assistant to me in which she helped brainstorm ideas for stories and characters and analyzed and tracked inconsistencies and continuity errors in TCE’s literature. She was also tasked with writing short stories and pieces of prose for The Creative Extreme.
Furthermore, I also happily hired Ms. Pánczél for work under my personal creative consulting brand, Steffon Thomas Creative LtD, as a content editor, literary editor, transcriber, and project manager assistant.
In all the capacities I have outlined above, I have consistently been impressed with Ms. Pánczél’s work ethic, proficiency, and talent. She is a very fast learner and eagerly seeks to add more skills to her repertoire of abilities. She regularly completes tasks and assignments before agreed upon deadlines and shows resourcefulness often taking initiative to find solutions for any problems that may arise. Ms. Pánczél is an excellent communicator and takes feedback with graciousness. And finally, she is a team player who excels at working with others and is willing to do whatever it takes to help the collective succeed.
I highly recommend Ms. Krisztina Pánczél. I believe her skills and work ethic are translatable to a variety of occupations and roles. She will not disappoint you.
Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts and insights on Ms. Pánczél. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at: [email protected].
Steffon Thomas